Computer Networking: Principles, Protocols, and Practice
This textbook came from a frustration of its main author. Many authors chose to write a textbook because thereare no textbooks in their field or because they are not satisfied with the existing textbooks. This frustrationhas produced several excellent textbooks in the networking community. At a time when networking textbookswere mainly theoretical, Douglas Comer chose to write a textbook entirely focused on the TCP/IP
protocol suite, a difficult choice at that time. He later extended his textbook by describing a complete TCP/IPimplementation, adding practical considerations to the theoretical descriptions in. Richard Stevensapproached the Internet like an explorer and explained the operation of protocols by looking at all the packetsthat were exchanged on the wire. Jim Kurose and Keith Ross reinvented the networking textbooksby starting from the applications that the students
use and later explained the Internet protocols by removing onelayer after the other.