to Ride® for Android is a cross-country train adventure playable
online, in which you will collect and play train cards to claim railway
routes connecting cities listed on Destination Tickets you will receive
at the start of each game. The longer your routes, the more points
you'll earn. But be 

Ticket to Ride for Android will run on tablets with a minimum screen size of 1024×600 (1280×800 or higher recommended), using Android version 4.0.3 or higher with 1GB of RAM.
Ticket to Ride for Android includes:
- the classic Ticket to Ride USA map that made the original board game so compelling and popular
- solo game play against up to 4 bots distinct AI personalities to compete against
- online game play with players Android or on other platforms including Steam PC and Mac, iPad, and on Days of Wonder's online portal
- Pass n’ Play mode
- in-game purchasing for all of the previously released digital maps and variants, including Asia, Europe, Switzerland, and USA 1910.
- contextual in-game Conductor's Notes to help you master all the maps
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